
The Skinny Knitter

Thursday, September 29, 2005

A true Washingtoneon

I love the rain. Today is our first rainy, windy, grey, day of the season and I'm in love. I took a little jaunt outside just to breath in the fall air. Ahhhh...there is nothing better. And that is why I will always live in Washington. I get so sick of sunshine I just want to curl up under a blankey and read a book. Don't make me go run outside and put my feet in the hot sand...I DON'T WANNA!! Does that make me weird?

It also gives me a good reason to wear bulky concealing sweaters. I thought it was a great thing, until today my boss came and said she had the first person ask her if I was pregnant. She's a rockstar. She looked right at them and said "I really don't know and really don't care. If you want to know ask her." They were so shocked I believe they just walked away, white faced with embarassment. We had a good giggle. Hehe

Us moms have to stick together in the corporate world. There's a whole lot of sharks dressed in suits I'm finding out.

I'm also finding out that if I drink as much water as I'm supposed to I live in the bathroom. Which could be a good excuse to hide away if there wasn't all you can use free hairspray, and someone on my floor that loves to take full advantage of it. If you wear glasses I'd hop the elevator down to the next floor, cause they'll be coated in 3.5 seconds if you step in there. I thought about jimmy rigging the extra tp door to hide my knitting and give me something to do on all those trips, but got a little worried about the janitor finding it and throwing the "pile of string" in the trash. You know, those tampon strings sure are getting out of hand!

I'm now officially banned from the library...they sent me a letter kindly letting me know. You see, I went through a pretty bad period there, a period with about 30 books checked out and no motivation to return them. And when I finally did they informed me I was SO late I now have $75 in library fees. No joke people, $75 freaking dollars. Who's going to pay $75 dollars in fines? Not this someone, that's for damn sure. So now I'm on my buy all my books kick again. This kick seems to happen whenever my library fines get to be more than ohhh, say my electric bill for the month.

So, since my book selection is severly limited I need some advice....what are some good baby knitting books? I'm getting that itch to knit itsy bitsy baby things. You know, little booties that won't stay on, tiny sweaters to be spit up on....that sort of thing. They are so darn cute...who could resist???

Or course, I'll probably have to end up making matching sweaters as Drake will be insanely jealous. But I'm caught in that feeling guilty because I'm taking time away from my original baby. And I'm sure he'll feed on that guilt and end up with happy meals every day of the week. He's smart like that.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

You know it's been too long when.....

You go to the blogger site and it doesn't have your blog bookmarked anymore.

You can't remember your login to blogger....bad sign.

Sorry ya'll....I was really having a rough time there for a bit. My hormones took over and I have never wanted to punch/run away/sleep/ignore/whine so much in my life. Well, maybe, but I think I was around 15. You'll have to ask my mom about that one.

Something has clicked and now that I'm in my second trimester I have regained a forgotten something once again, ENERGY. I know the hubby wishes it was sex drive, but sorry, not this week. I'm huge right now, like bloated whale huge. Like I look like I'm 5 months preggo huge. I love to watch the look on my friends faces as I come hauling myself out of the car and introduce them to my belly.

Drake, he compares it to a volcano. Thanks bud.

You know, pregnancy, it's an interesting thing. At first you feel like SUCH SHIT, but you can't really tell anyone because you don't want to tell people too soon about it. So you have to suffer in quiet, and be totally miserable. Then, just when it starts going away and you actually feel like a NORMAL PERSON your belly pops out and speaks for itself. I understand I'm just one of the millions of people who are, or have gone through this, but I can't be the first to question that process.

There are still quite a few people here at the office I haven't told yet...I'm just waiting for one of them to have the balls to ask me. And when they do I have my response prepared.

"That is SUCH an inappropriate question to ask. I can't believe you just asked that"

And then depending on whether I like them or not I'll give em the truth with a smile, or just walk away. Heh.

My knitting progress...well, it's been an off & on affair. I started a new cardigan, Buzz, from Rowan 37

which I am totally loving. I'm making it in a grey-blue, and if I do say so myself it's gorgeous. I showed it to the hubby, and the first comment out of his mouth? I hope you're making an XL. Gee, thanks. I'm not doing the buttons, but instead making two little ties at the top so it can go on the sides of my belly, while it's huge, and still be able to wear it after I pop. I'm almost finished with the right front and then all I have left to do is the sleeves.

We find out the sex of this little one in about 5 weeks (my Dr.'s making us wait too long if you ask me) and then I can start knitting lots of little blue or pink bebe things, which thrills me. They are so sweet. Too bad all a baby does when you try and put the sweet little things on them is scream, but hopefully I'll get to admire them before it decides to poop, pee or throw up on them.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Excuses, Excuses

You see, there might be another reason I disappeared for a while there. Other than I didn't feel like knitting anymore.

I just might be, well, pregnant.

You heard me. The same woman who swore up and down I was not going to have another. I swear no more. I guess I should've known that when you put two of the most fertile people on earth together accidents are bound to happen. And yes, even with measures taken to ensure accidents DON'T happen. I'm telling ya'll....I'm one of those 1%ers.

And yes, after this one there will be scissors (or possibly a razor??) involved in ensuring there are no more accidents. Snip, Snip my friends.

But in the meanwhile I'm gonna be a mommy again, and little man is SO EXCITED. We waited to tell everyone until this weekend (I'm almost 11 weeks). My parents didn't believe me for a full 1/2 hour because I've always been so adamant about not having anymore kiddo's.

We sat down with Drake yesterday and told him he's gonna be a big brother. His little face broke into the biggest grin, totally thrilled. We went to Trader Joe's soon after and he kept going on and on quite loudly how we gave him his greatest wish, just like wishing on a star. He's gonna be a big brother. He then proceeded to tell everyone in sight that his momma has a baby in her tummy.

Maybe I should be least now they won't all think I'm just a little pudgy around the middle. And I so pants don't fit, my regular shirts are stretched to their limit. I mean, really, how soon is too soon to start wearing maternity clothes? Do I need to pop a seam first? Bust a button? Cause I'm getting pretty damn close.

With Drake I was sick as a dog. No, worse. There was no morning sickness, nope. It was morning, noon & night sickness. I swore then I would only have one. I just couldn't imagine puking on a regular basis ever again. I have a friend who just found out she is pregnant a few weeks ago also. She came to me wailing "WHY? Why do they not tell you how HORRIBLE this is? WHHHHYYYY???? Why do I only like the cheap mac n' cheese? And nothing else? Not even chocolate." And I totally feel for her.

This time, it's like somethings really broken in me...I haven't been all that sick. There are lots of things I still can't stomach (french fries taste way better on the way down) but I'm living and have only puked a few measly times. That's huge people. I might FEEL like puking quite a bit, but have managed to keep everything where it belongs.

Now the's getting out of hand. There have been times where I haven't moved from the couch for 5 straight hours. My ass is going to be the size of Mt. Rushmore if I don't quit this. I just don't feel like doing anything. ANYTHING. I just want to sit, and stare off into space. I don't even know if my brain is working in those moments, and I don't really care. Most people who know me, know exactly why I'm so skinny....cause I NEVER STOP MOVING. I can't even sit still in a meeting without kicking my feet under the table, or playing with my pen, or fingers, or SOMETHING. I can't just sit. Which is exactly why I took up knitting. It's perfect for me.

But something snapped and I love to just sit.

Okay, enough about me. I was cleaning my house yesterday and just trying to imagine how much I would freak out if one inch of water was covering my floor, not to mention 20 feet. My heart breaks for all those people, I can't even imagine. I have been lucky enough have lived for 20 something years and never had anything remotely like that happen to me. For that I am infinitely grateful. My heart goes out to all those affected.

Friday, September 02, 2005

Abra Cadabra

And I reappear.

I'm just going to come right out and say it....I snapped. I haven't knit in ooohhh, well, since my last post. I'm not quite sure what happened, just one day I had NO DESIRE WHATSOEVER to pick up any knitting needles, yarn, or other such paraphernalia. I know there are a thousand heroin addicts out there who would LOVE to wake up and find such a thing happened to them, but you all are shrinking in the corner right now thinking "that will NEVER happen to me." I'm here to tell you, it can, and it just might.

It really freaked the hubby out at first. He kept looking at me sitting on the couch doing absolutely nothing but watching tv, reading & eating dinner....and finally burst out "you're freaking me out! Start, I don't know, wiggling around your yarn...or SOMETHING. Please just do SOMETHING."

And I can't.

The kiddo has a week of vacation from school before he starts kindergarten. For those of us that actually have our kids in a daycare/school because we work are a little put out, but the grandparents really stepped up and volunteered to take him on. It's a great arrangement for all of us, really. He loves them to death, and begs to go visit them constantly, they have a great time with him, and me and the hubby get a little child-free time. Ahhhhh.....

And then I miss him like crazy. He called right after we dropped him off at my mom's, sounding the saddest I've ever heard him. "Mom, I really just want you, I miss you already, and I just really, really love you. And miss you" And here I am sitting at my desk at work, wanting to bawl because I miss him like crazy too. I was sad all day, thinking he must be missing me, when I get another call from him later that evening.

"Ya, mom. Hi. I'm all better. And I had a cookie. And I'm all better. Bye!!"

So much for the warm fuzzies. His other grandma took him out shopping, her favorite hobby, and got him all snazzed up for kindergarten clothes. I was rebelling going "back to school clothes shopping" because that would mean he was all grown up. I mean I remember going school clothes shopping, and he's not that big yet. So he called the next day and proceeded to ask me "Mom, what do you think of the yellow letters that go down the side of these pants? Do you think they're cool?" He still hasn't gotten over the idea that you can't actually SEE over the phone. I kept saying I'll let him know when I see him, but he was so insistent that I say I THINK IT'S COOL I finally gave in a did so.

And then he went back to his cookie.

I so wish I was that easy to please. And that I would like knitting again.

Send positive thoughts.