The Skinny Knitter

Thursday, February 08, 2007

My little helper

My little helper loves to help out his good old mama. He carries my yarn around for me

And makes sure it is nice & moist.

Makes for great knitting.

He would love to help me out even more by carrying my knitting needles around for me, but I've gotta draw the line somewhere.

He just discovered how to pull himself up to standing this week, and man has it rocked my world. The places that were previously safe are no longer. The ottoman & couch used to house a great deal of hidden treasures: knitting, books, toy cars, and random choking hazards such as stray buttons, tapestry name it. In other words - sit at your own risk. When we bought a new couch last year we kept my stashing habits in mind and got a rather big one. We each get our own cushion, and because I was pregnant at the time I got two. One of my cushions was usually piled high with pink wool & Yarn Harlot books, but I just used the other one for sitting and life was good. My stash is no longer safe however, and now I have to find a new home for it. Please tell me I'm not the only one using the couch as a resting spot for WIP? I hate change, even little change, and that means I hate thinking of a new spot for my stuff. I'm sure the hubby will be happy as he's been impaled with a dpn more than once when carelessly throwing himself onto the couch.

Because of my little year long haitus there are a lot of knitting projects to show & tell. A LOT. I'm laughing because I went back and read my archives and most of the knitting projects I was working on? Stuffed in the back of my closet. I tend to start things and never finish them. Okay, I'll confess. A good portion of my stash fits into this category. BUT if I ever need to clothe my family in a hurry I've got it covered. Most things are at least half finished.

Here's another one of my spinning/knitting projects. I bought this gorgeous merino/silk roving & just started spinning. And then I realized I was making thread. I ended up having to ply it four times to get a yarn that wouldn't take me the rest of my life to knit up. My mom says I'm a freak.

Maybe I agree. But at least I'm a freak with pretty things.


  • At 12:42 PM, Blogger goodkarma said…

    Of course I keep WIP on the couch! Where else would they go? The basket (with lid) that I bought for my WIP is full. hee hee. As excited as I am for my little girl to keep growing and start locomoting, I am seriously dreading the time when peanut starts crawling and walking... We have a lot of stuff to put away!

  • At 4:45 PM, Blogger Katy said…

    Ah, my knitting stuff is just piled, um, everywhere. But not so much on the couch as that's where the kids usually are!
    Gorgeous spinning--can't believe you just learned such a short time ago!


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