The Skinny Knitter

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

More about mememememe

First off, do they try to make this whole blogging thing difficult on purpose? Why can't they just say things like "Put your picture here!" and "Put your links here!" Versus something that looks like this: < { code }xhtml.> Who understands that? NOT ME.

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And you do realize that this is the best picture ever taken of me. If I'm gonna put one on here it might as well be a good one, right? That's me on my best day ever.

So, I'm trying to put a picture in so you all can see I'm not thaaattt skinny. I mean, I'm totally setting myself up for failure here. I can hear you all out there in imaginary blog land saying "Well, humph. She can't be that skinny. And who exactly does she think she is? Skinny my ass." Did you know that you can HEAR over the internet? Well, there you go. It's true. You see, I sat here at my desk (yes, at work. Shush) and tried and tried to think of something that identifies me. And I look down at my fingers typing away and am amazed once again at how FREAKISHLY SKINNY they are. Toothpicks really. I won't even try to explain the toes.

So there you go. And I am not as skinny as I once was. I remember the day when I jumped on the scale in gym class to be amazed that I topped 100 pounds!!! The JOY! The PLEASURE!! Only to be reminded by those surrounding me in my glory dance that I was WEARING MY BACKPACK. FULL OF BOOKS. I will never forget the disappointment.

Now, onto the knitting news. I will have you know I have no feeling in my right ring finger. NONE. It's a little scary, but I'm thinking it'll come back some time. I was on a knitting streak this weekend. And given the choice between a numb finger and stopping knitting....well, I'll let you guess what I chose. I, at some point, had to ask myself - Would you rather live life with a numb finger, or stop knitting? And I decided I would rather live with the numb finger. I mean, think of the advantages! Slam your finger in the car door? No worries! Need something to clamp onto when you're in pain? No problem! Here's my yummy finger. You can even take it with you when you leave.

The other problem with my knitting? I seem to think my torso is only oohhhh....about 5 inches long. How else can I explain my need to put armholes around my belly button. Oh, the disappointment when I had knitted the entire front of a tank top only to realize I had created a halter top. I hear you out there, but you're SKINNY! HAHA. True, I am skinny. But I had a baby people. And a baby tummy + halter top = not good. Not good at all. Once I figure out how to get a picture on here I'll show you all. However I will not be posing in it. I'd be shut down for sure.

I did visit my parents this weekend and they have a FAB knitting store right down the street. It calls my name the minute I pull into their driveway. It starts WAILING if I don't make it down there precisely 2 hours after I've arrived. Of course we didn't want that. It'd wake up all the napping children between me and the yarn store. So off I went. Can I tell you why I love this yarn store? Yes, it's got all kinds of truly wonderful yarn. Yes, it's light & bright and friendly. But the real reason? She lets me bring my dog in. She lets him sniff all her yarn and get doggie luvs from people who come in. She even lets him come in after he got VERY excited when she was holding him and showing everyone how cute he was. And she couldn't figure out why everyone was trying to divert their eyes.

That, my friends, is why I LOVE that store.

Friday, May 27, 2005

Sandals & Bandaids

Is there anything sexier??? I slowly turned into one of those girls you laugh at. You know, the ones wearing the incredibly cute, horribly uncomfortable looking shoes hobbling down the sidewalk. They are trying so hard to float along and instead they are stumbling along with a painful grin on their face. We've all seen them. Today, that was me.

A beautifully warm sunny day in Seattle calls for a walk. Especially if you're cooped up in an office all day. ESPECIALLY if it's Friday, in the 80's, and you're dying to go home, but can't.

So I decided I'd walk around the block a few times and get some fresh air. Ahhhh, car exhaust and iced coffee. Does life get any better? So I'm walking. And walking. And suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my left foot. I was in such bliss I failed to notice my shoes were rubbing holes in my feet. I looked down and BOTH feet had holes rubbed in them. Painful holes. I realized this as I was at the farthest point from my building on that block. Nice lady in the Jag with the windows up and a/c on....wouldn't you like to give a sweaty lady with bloody feet a ride? No? Didn't think so.

So I trudged back. Slowly. With my feet hanging out the back of my very cute sandals. I was one of those.

And bandaids & sandals? Not so cute or sexy.

Work is for the Birds. I mean Bugs.

So yesterday as I'm leaving work I notice black dots on all the papers surrounding the flowers on my desk. I'm thinking holy cow that everything bagel went crazy, when I realize they're moving. Thats right. THEY'RE FREAKING BUGS. Itty bitty black bugs. In my profound laziness I though maybe they'd just go away if I left them. So I went on my merry way.

Get in this morning and do my yawn and stretch when I see black dots all over. EW EW EW. Remember those awful days in September in middle school? You know, where there's the one lone fly buzzing around and you're scared to death it will choose your desk to land on? That people will think that means your desk must be dirty and hence you must be dirty? Oh, I loathed that fly. Go away fly and find some other nice CLEAN respectable person's desk to land on.

So I quietly pick up the vase and throw the flowers away in the garbage can in the supply room. End of bug invasion, right? HA. Think again. I go back in there to refill my water when I notice coffee grounds all over the garbage can lid. And the water cooler. And the boxes surrounding the garbage can. And they're all moving. Time to fess up and call in the backups.

Windex does wonders on bugs. Mission completed.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Who am I kidding?

No. Don't ask. I still haven't figured it out yet myself. I mean I know I'm not that interesting, and soooo not Yarn Harlot or Mossy Cottage Knits worthy. My life is.not.interesting. Unless you count a four year old, one crazy Shih Tzu doggie, a fabulous guy...and....well....hours sitting in front of the tv knitting. Doesn't that just sound exciting? Throw a few margarita's in the mix and that's my life. Oh, and did I mention I'm an accountant? Oh, yes. I am. Don't go running all at once. You might make blogger just decide to turn me off before I even get started.

My excitement for the day yesterday? Getting yelled at on 405 because I am knitting while driving. And yes, it IS TOO very safe. My eyes never leave the road. Well, except for very brief intervals, like when I pull out a needle without looking thinking it's my free one. And it's not. So I have to steer with my knee trying to get 22 itsy bitsy stitches back on a 2 dpn. VERY SAFE I TELL YOU. So some big meanie happened to look over just as I was getting my last few stitches back on. And because it is close to a zillion degrees in Seattle right now both of our windows were down. And he YELLED at me. YELLED....."Put down the goddamn yarn and drive lady."

He obviously doesn't have a wife who knits. And he's lucky if he has a wife at all. Jerk. And who needs to have free hands when you're only moving at 20 mph anyway? Knee driving is perfect.