The Skinny Knitter

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

More than you ever wanted to know.....

Something I stole from Stalker Angie and thought looked like fun. And keeps me from being a looser with no posts. heh

layer one
name: Sam or Samantha
birthdate: 7/11
birthplace: Seattle Washington
current location: about 20 minutes away
eye color: blue with green around the middle
hair color: brown righty or lefty: right
sign: fitting of me. innie or outtie: normally an this time It's stretched as far as it can go!!

layer two
heritage: 1/2 French Canadian from Newfoundland, the other 1/2 a mix of all over Europe.
shoes you wore today: cute black flats with a black flower on them.
your hair: shoulder length....naturally curly. I straighten it most of the time though.
your weakness: Coffee. Chocolate. Anything pink or cute.
fears: Having anything happen to my db or kiddo's
your perfect pizza: cheese with artichoke hearts, mushrooms, pineapple, can. bacon & green peppers. YUM
one thing you'd like to achieve: Right now natural birth. I had a contraction the other night and it scared the hell out of me.

layer three
your most overused phrase: cool, dude, no worries.
your first waking thoughts: ooohhhh's morning already?? SNOOZE
the first features you notice in the opposite sex: their nose & eyes. And hands.
your best physical feature: I have loong skinny legs. Which for a long time I hated because they looked like bird legs.
your bedtime: 10ish
your greatest fear: Didn't I already answer this one? Anything happening to my db or kiddo's
your greatest accomplishment: finishing college after having Drake.

layer four
pepsi or coke: pepsi. But really I hate soda and drink it once or twice a year. single or group dates: I like em both. And done lots of both.
adidas or nike: ummm....don't really care!! I rarely wear true tennis shoes. chocolate or vanilla: lately vanilla for some odd reason. Usually chocolate cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino. But really a mocha or latte. I have one every morning!

layer five
smoke: never have
cuss: WAY too much. I mean WAYYYY too much.
sing: I hum constantly, but have a horrible singing voice.
take a shower everyday: Most of the time. Unless I hit snooze a few too many times.
have a crush: not right now. Have had lots of them.
been in love: Yup.
went to college: Yup. Got my BA in Finance & Economics
liked high school: I loved my Junior year. I finally had boobs and felt like I fit in.
want to get married: Yes!! September 2007
believe in yourself: Most of the time. I believe I can do something, but feel guilt for what will happen if I do/don't do it.
type with your fingers on the right keys: Yup. Since 6th grade typing lessons.
think you're attractive: Most of the time. I'm having a hard time coming to terms with growing up.
think you're a health freak: I go through phases. We do eat natural/organic foods mostly, and go through times when I excercise like crazy.
get along with your parents: We've always gotten along pretty well. My mom is my best friend, and my pops I love & admire like crazy. We talk about everything.
play an instrument: I've played piano since I was 4, and played clarinet & flute in middle & high school

layer six
in the past month, did you..
drink alcohol: unfortunately, no.
smoke: nope.
make Out: Of course!!!
go on a date: Yup.
eat an entire box of Oreos: Nope. Ewwww....all that white stuff in the middle yucks me out, but tastes so good.
eat sushi: nope. Never have, never will.
been on stage: nope.
been dumped: nope. I've been lucky enough be have been spared ever being dumped.
gone skating: not in this condition
made homemade cookies: yup, Drake loves making them.
fall in love: everyday.
go skinny dipping: does in the hot tub count? That's a weekly affair. I have gone skinny dipping at lakes/ocean a few times.
dyed your hair: nope. My past magenta hair taught me a lesson

layer seven
have you ever...
played a game that required removal of clothing: maybe
if so, was it mixed company: Yes
been trashed or extremely intoxicated: Only twice. And they were baaaddd. I learned my lesson pretty quickly...I only have 1-2 drinks at a time now! been caught doing something: Yes I have. Even by the police once
been called a tease: Yes
changed who you were to fit in: Yes, but never extremely

layer eight
age you hope to be married: 27
numbers and names of children: Drake is 5 and the bean has a fabulous name, still in utero.
describe your dream wedding: lots of alcohol, dancing, laughing how do you want to die: in my sleep. Even though death scares the living crap out of me
what do you want to be when you grow up: I'm really not sure yet. I'm not a planner, just take things day by day.
what countr(ies) would you most like to visit: England, Scotland, Ireland.

layer nine
number of men i have kissed: I don't think I could count. I had fun in my high school days.
number of boyfriends you've had: serious, only 2.
number of people i could trust with my life: Quite a few actually.....around 10?
number of CDs that i own: Like 5. I hate buying them!
number of piercings: Just one, my ears. I do want to get my belly button done one of these days. And I'd really like to do my nose. But it freaks me out.
number of tattoos: None. I would LOVE one, but Damian hates them. number of scars on my body: 2 that I can see I had an apendectomy when I was 7, and a little scar under my nose from falling down the porch stairs when I was 3.
number of things in my past that i regret: Nothing....everything happens for a reason. Even if I hate it I know I learned something from it.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006


You would think that by now this wouldn't be something I would stumble finding your husband having an affair, or that you have a long lost sibling. But nope, that's the way I do things....jump in with both feet and then be scared shitless when I realize what's going on. Last night I had my 30 week appointment with my midwife, who made it abundantly clear that very soon I would have a screaming, pooping, hungry bundle of joy in my arms. SHE ASKED ME IF WE HAD A CARSEAT READY!!!! Uh, ya, nope.

You see, I've been measuring 4 weeks ahead of my due date almost my entire pregnancy, and so while I may think I'm only 30 weeks, someone else thinks he's 33 weeks 5 days. And he turned head down to get himself all ready to come on out and meet the world. And while I can't wait to meet the little guy and cover his itty bitty feet with kisses, I'm like, really, really FREAKING OUT. Do we have a carseat? Crib set up? Room to put him in? Well, technically yes to that last question, but the room still happens to be my craft room, with yarn scattered all over. And it's the clean laundry pile room. And the walls are still painted pink & purple (don't ask).

So I'm taking a very deep breath and today I'm facing this head on. The hubby and I will be spending our lunch hour at Toys R Us doing a mad dash throwing things in the cart. Oh crap. Diapers....must remember diapers. (Did I mention I've been having contractions on and off?)

I'm guessing you all are dying to see me in my huge while they might be taken in a public restroom by yours truly they're the best I could do. Don't harass a pregnant woman.

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And so you can see my cute shoes...heh

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I'm working on the cutest knitting thing ever, and when I finish I'll post pictures of it for you. It's a surprise. I'll tell you it's a baby Dale of Norway, lavender, and ADORABLE. And for a friends baby girl. Mr. Tyrone has lots of cute knitted things right now....but they aren't purple.

And I'm overwhelmed with the enormity of all the planned projects for the little guy, and yarn bought, and it looks at me everytime I go into the craft room (maybe that's why it hasn't been converted into baby room...I would have to face the yarn demons) There was a bit there where I bought Baby Ull like it was discontinued. Let's just say I had to buy 2 new plastic drawer thingies to hold it all. And they're hiding in the closet from a certain someone.

While right now that certain "someone" just might be the hubby, in the near future I just might have to hide it from someone else. Take a look at this....

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Do you see that look of excitement & sheer happiness on his little face? I've trained him well.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Wanna hear something sad?

One day a few months ago I got up the courage to clean out the fridge. And I mean clean. When I was all finished I looked inside and laughed. We had a sparkling clean fridge...with nothing in it. I pulled the hubby in the kitchen to show him "Wanna see something sad?"

Later that day we had friends come over and as soon as they stepped in the door Drake pulled them aside and said "Wanna see something SAD??" He lead them over to the fridge, flung the door open, and stood there with the SADDEST LOOK EVER on his little face. I could have died. Bree VanDecamp would have had a great cover up, but I just stood there with my jaw on the floor laughing. Thank god they did too.

That's like today. I finally decided, goddamnit I need to post ,and my last post was in like NOVEMBER. Does anyone still remember little old me? Except, well, I'm not so little anymore. Or skinny. I'm 7 1/2 months pregnant with a stomach that runs into everything and the other night the hubby told me my thighs were getting a little "thick." He says they're still "small-medium" but we all know where that's heading. You see, I've spent almost my entire life up until this point at right around 100 pounds. And I'm 5'8. So when I hopped on the scale at my doctors and it said 144 I told them to recheck....NO FUCKING WAY!!! Way. So I figured heck, I might as well embrace it. You'd be amazing how quickly I can crush a box for recycling. I used to have to take it outside and jump up and down on it. Now with one crushing blow of my foot the thing is flat.

We have nicknamed this kiddo "Ty-rone" and you have to say it just like that. We really do have a very nice name all picked out, but you see, I'm not telling anyone. Nope. Can't get it out of me. I learned last time that no matter what name you choose everyone has something to say about it. And then I don't like the name anymore. And then I have to cry to the hubby about how it's all wrong. And then we have to pick a new name. And that SUCKS. And besides, how much fun is it to yell "Ty-RONE" with a southern accent.

Believe it or not, my extra room is littered with itty bitty baby socks, and pants and hats...all knitted I might add. I've been going nuts. Did you know you can turn out a pair of baby socks in like 3.5 minutes? Good god, it's insane!!! The only problem seems to be I can't quite remember how SMALL these things are when they come out. I mean, I know somewhere around 6-10 pounds, but small are their little feet? Really?? I keep pumping things out and then the hubby looks at me like I'm TOTALLY INSANE. And then he tells Drake to put it on....and it fits. So obviously they are smaller than I'm thinking.

Anyone have a bebe you want to let me borrow for a few hours? I promise not to poke or otherwise agitate the little guy (or girl)