The Skinny Knitter

Friday, July 29, 2005

Think I like Pink Much?

It's been days, or possibly weeks since I posted pictures. I truly have been knitting away, trying to get some cute summer shirts knit up BEFORE I leave for Reggae on the River so I can wear them there.



Ryan, take note that is your stitch marker I'm using!

After having a baby my tummy just isn't show off quality anymore, if you know what I mean. So the V dip is perfect to show some skin, but only the pretty parts. I'll just have to remember not to break loose and start moving & shaking, thus making the protective V move and shake also, exposing bare tummy which will also be moving & shaking.

So last night I was a total pooper. And I mean TOTAL pooper. I didn't go to the M's stitch & pitch game. I was exhausted after work, and driving into downtown Seattle, finding parking, and the whole mess that entails was too much for me. I had the hot ticket right in my hand, and I didn't go. I apologize to anyone expecting me, but I would have probably fallen asleep in the middle of a ssk, and when they panned the camera around during the 7th inning stretch it surely would have found the one passed out knitter.

My little man is heading into the dentist today, and getting quite the job done on him. You see, he ended up with really weak teeth, and that combined with the candy his mama fed him turned out to mean lots of cavities. No amount of brushing (and believe me, we brush that kid!) could take care of that combination.

We have had a few visits in to see this particular dentist. It's a pediatric dentist, so everything is made for a person of 3'5, including the toilet I had the pleasure of using. At the end of his first checkup visit he walked out saying

"But mom, I thought they had to do more work than that. You know, bubblegum flavored work."

He thought the dentist was the coolest and begged to go back. Well, he sure got his wish. Times 10. The next visit to work on one cavity the hubby was assigned to take on. I got on IM with him after the visit and asked how it went, fully expecting his answer to be Great! Wonderful! Piece of cake!


He was actually so worn out that's all I could get out of him. I got the full story when we got home.

Apparently the cotton they put in his mouth to absorb the spit hurt Drake SO BADLY he felt the need to kick the hygenist square in the face, leaving a huge bruise on her cheek. And if the cotton wasn't painfull enough, they DARED try to drill his tooth and all hell broke loose. We had no idea Drake knew how to do a backwards flip right out of a chair. And he even included a few summersaults for the viewing pleasure of all in the room.

We thought maybe it was just a fluke, and we'd try another trip, this time premedicated. Premedication only works if it actually does something to your child. The medicine did nothing to mine. He was running around the house screaming "I feel kind of sleepy!!!!" Heh. Joke's on you.

So we had to resort to the last option available. General anesthesia. This totally freaks me out. So, today is the day. Hopefully he'll wake up cavity free, happy, and no dentists will have been harmed in the act.

Just send me some positive CALM DOWN vibes, please? I'm in total panicky freak out mode. And that's not good for someone who already spends most of their life halfway there.


  • At 11:31 AM, Blogger Katy said…

    Hope all goes well with the dentist. It will be such a relief when it is all over with!
    But I'm LOL at the thought of Drake back flipping out of the chair.

  • At 12:20 PM, Blogger Suzanne said…

    OMG. I'm sending good karmic vibes your way for Drake. I'm sure it'll be fine and overall much less traumatic on him. Wow...maybe you should put him in gymnastics classes - it sounds like he's a natural.


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