Does life get any better?
Than a Coldstone ice cream cake on your birthday? And the sweet hubby taking you out for lunch, and then promising to take you out shopping after work? The same hubby who happens to HATE shopping. Like my MIL's MY birthday so he can't even make me hurry up.
It's just too bad that in the grown up world we can't stay at home and play all day. Remember those days?! And to think back then all I wanted to do was drive a car and go to work...I thought it all seemed, and grown up.
Like the hubby said on his birthday....I wish everyday was my birthday. It's so nice to have everyone bow down to your every whim. Maybe, I guess, you might get sick of it, but damn it'd be nice for a week or two.
It's just too bad that in the grown up world we can't stay at home and play all day. Remember those days?! And to think back then all I wanted to do was drive a car and go to work...I thought it all seemed, and grown up.
Like the hubby said on his birthday....I wish everyday was my birthday. It's so nice to have everyone bow down to your every whim. Maybe, I guess, you might get sick of it, but damn it'd be nice for a week or two.
At 5:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday Sam! And that cake sounded wonderful. Sure hope your day is great. And I have to admit, I take my birthday off every year LOL. Its too fun of a day for work. hugs!
At 2:01 PM,
Suzanne said…
Happy Birthday!!!
I don't have the energy to type all the things I miss from my younger years. But yes, days off are definitely one of them!
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