The Skinny Knitter

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

Yard Work from Hell

I know that everyone thinks a big spacious yard is cool beans. But I am here to tell you THEY'RE WRONG. I'd much rather have a spacious house; carpet does not require weeding. And vacuuming? Much better than weeding.

We have tons of open space, grass, flowers, and lots & lots of flower beds. Just in case you didn't know, flower beds require constant weeding. You finish one end and it's time to start at the other end again....a practice in futility I tell you.

The thing is that we live at a T in the street and everyone has the pleasure of looking into our yard and either Ooohhing and Aaaahing or saying "Holy Crap what are they doing with their yard?!" Lately we've been causing heads to turn, people to take off their sunglasses to take a closer look, and jaws to drop. And not in a good way.

We had 17 yards of dirt delivered a month (or possibly 2) ago and you people have NO IDEA how much dirt that is. I had no idea until a industrial size dump truck pulled up one Saturday morning to dump it's entire contents into our front yard. We watched in awe as it lifted it's back end up to the power lines and our front yard was buried under a massive pile of dirt.

We have this great plan to make a nice raised flower bed to shield our yard from strangers eyes, and make a nice launch pad should anyone miss the stop sign and come barreling for us. It took us all day to wheelbarrow dirt from the massive pile and spread it out. By the time were were finished all we wanted was a DQ Blizzard and an hour in the hot tub, we could care less what the hill looked like. So for the past month it's been a hidous mishapen lump.

Yesterday we decided we were sick of it looking so awful and really got to work on it. We smoothed it out all nice and neat, made way for the water meter, and threw some plants in. I really think my brain is out to get me because afterwords all I wanted was a DQ Blizzard and an hour in the hot tub. We're programmable!

Even after the hot tub, this morning I woke up and realized I have muscles in my back. And my stomach. And my neck. And arms. And they all hurt. What I wouldn't give to sit at home all day today and knit. And ask myself again why we didn't just hire some landscapers.


  • At 10:42 AM, Blogger Katy said…

    Thankfully we have a teeny tiny yard. It's still way too much work.
    And the weeds are taking over my teeny tiny garden. Sigh.
    Thanks for the kind words on my blog. I am working on some plans to take some time away for myself. Hopefully that will help with the "blahs".

  • At 2:01 PM, Blogger Stalker Angie said…

    Hmm.....well we have a yard. There's these trees in it. And in the Spring there's some flowers that pop up. The hubby mows it on occasion. But I do not understand this "weeding" you speak of. Isn't that what the lawn mower is for? Hehe.

    Hope your muscles feel better soon!

  • At 6:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I agree with Katy, I hate yard work. Our yard looks horrible, we have over 15 different large flower gardens and about 11 of them are WEEDS now. The former owners were a little nutty lol. Next year I want to hire someone to get rid of most and fix the last few for us.


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