The Skinny Knitter

Friday, July 15, 2005


I don't think there is anything more frustrating than wanting to get on blogger and blogger not wanting you. The rejection! I tried, and I tried, and I tried. It's like loosing your car keys and running around the house screaming...knowing those keys are somewhere secretly laughing at you from a totally obvious spot.

The worst case I ever had of this was when we were moving and there were boxes all over the house. I was late for a presentation, Drake was late for a field trip, and the hubby, wonderful key finder that he is, was out of town. What began as a careless look through my bag, key holder and table turned into an all out frantic race through the house. Had I packed them? Were they hiding in/under/around a box?

I finally collapsed, crying on the couch while Drake tried to console me. Those damn keys were nowhere. They must have simply walked away during the night. I couldn't stop crying and whining. I finally got up, dragged myself over to my purse to look one last time before giving up. And what do you know? They were hiding.

Blogger did not want me today and I'm fighting back. It was a hard battle, but I'm here. No more "page not found" messages for me. Nuh uh. I'm gonna fight for this one. Even if I have nothing enlightening to say.

Please be thinking of this us weekend. You see, the hubby's parents decided they were sick of their old house and needed a new one. A bigger one. To hold all their crap. They are the sort of people who save the box to the blender they no longer own "just in case". They have every Berenstein bears book from the hubby's childhood saved for Drake. In a box somewhere, and not a clue where to start looking for it. They have lived in this house for over ten years.

Just to give you an idea of the pain we will be going through.

The hubby volunteered us to come help with a garage sale this weekend, and moving all the crap that's left the next. To be fair they have helped us move in the past, but I DO NOT HAVE ORANGE & GREEN FLOWERED SHEETS SAVED FROM 1972. She does not know this yet, but those sheets will no longer be on the premises after this weekend. Along with quite a lot of other things.

I had the pleasure of meeting
Ryan for lunch & a ticket/money swap. She's such a doll, totally sweet & nice. And she has the cutest little nose I ever saw. She even brought me this

As a present for my birthday, handmade my hers truly! How cool is that?! We got to chow down on yummy pasta & compare notes on our knitting. I had a few socks for my drive home in my bag to show off, even if they were nothing special. I even found out TMK's real name and am sworn to secrecy. Oooohhhhh.

Yesterday we were out digging in the massive dirt mound in front of our house. You know, the launching pad in case anyone misses the stop sign? That one. It is enormous. Huge. We have a few little baby plants scattered throughout it hoping they don't look too pathetic.

Well, the nice lady from across the street with the most amazing garden casually asked if we would like any plants. Think we looked pathetic?!? She was so sweet, and took us on a guided tour of her gardens. Yes, GARDENS. She has this whole garden mecca behind her house. It's so amazing I couldn't stop myself from oooohhhing out loud. I mean Better Homes & Gardens worthy. She led us around, pointing out plants we could take. I mean massive, entire plants. It will take wheelbarrows & lots of work to get all those plants planted, but I'm so excited! I'm always amazed at people's generosity.

But then again, what goes around comes around. Think she'd like a little knitted bag?


  • At 12:32 PM, Blogger Stalker Angie said…

    Ok, I am so insanely jealous of your Blog Mistress lunch I could just scream. Do you think my hubby would understand me packing our house, moving to Washington and just dragging him along? No? Me either. Arrggghhh!

  • At 2:13 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    You noticed my NOSE!! Oh, my Gawd, girl, if you only knew how sensitive I am about its ski-jump shape and pointy end. But you're in good company; TMK likes it, too.

    Now, let's say together and in unison to Stalker Angie, "Neener neener." :-)

    Enjoy the stitch marker!!

  • At 9:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'm laughing soooo hard at this entry about the parents' house full of junk...

    Are you married to my brother and I just don't know it? My parents are JUST like that. My mother opens up the closet the other day and starts piling clothes out for me...and I'm talking "She hasn't worn these since high school in 1975" clothes.

    Cool stuff, but scary as all get out. :)

    Have a great day!



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